P S Sarkar
We, at DPS, ONGC, Nazira persist with the mission of inculcating good values in our students and we aim to nurture intelligent and well-informed young men and women, driven by high personal standards and strong character who can contribute effectively to their immediate society and also the nation. We see it as our duty, to help the new generation build a strong and vibrant moral edifice, on which the fountain of knowledge can grow and glow forever with eternal flames of love and harmony.
Our children must personify those ideals, which have grown from the deep roots of our nation’s collective wisdom and generate, individually, the centrifugal force by which our country’s cherished principle of ‘Unity in Diversity’ may thrive.
The key is to instil in our students the quintessential ethics and ideals that build personal character and self-discipline. This will imbue in them, the courage of their convictions and the capacity to make the ‘right choice’ in their lives, as well as the will to stand firmly by their decisions, when pressured by external influences. Let us work collectively towards this, at home and at school.
Our systems for facilitating the pursuit of knowledge are child-centric. Since the very inception of the school, making our students learn through understanding and hands-on-experience has been our primary focus and I assure you that the commitment and efforts of my team of dedicated teachers will continue unabated. With their customary dedication and unflagging zeal, they will labour devotedly to mentor the children.
Children are the centre of all our activities – for parents and for the school. We share a common mission, i.e., to sculpt and mould our children into well-balanced personalities with bright futures. We are committed to work in harmonious unison towards the fruition of this mission.
We feel that the School Almanac is not only an effective link between the School and the parents; it is also not a small booklet to simply take down the homework or circulars. In fact, our Almanac is a treasure house of information which the children can refer to, even by giving it a cursory glance. It has also been our endeavour to encourage the school students to value the rich culture and heritage of Assam and portray its glory through various art forms. It has been our sincere effort to apprise students about the diverse heritage that they have inherited. We hope that the drawings and information about our ancient medicine, architecture, textiles, cuisine etc. will invoke in our students, a sense of immense pride for their country and will encourage them to cherish, being an Indian, and preserve this rich and varied heritage.
We have been using the Almanac as a tool to enrich our students about different aspects which touch their life closely. This is a step which no school has yet attempted. It has been our experience that children greatly enjoy the information that we have been providing them through the Almanac. We have full faith that this year also, our children will benefit from it and learn to respect and value their heritage.
With these words, I wish the visitors of this website an enjoyable journey as they go through our site. Suggestions to improve the website are welcome. Wishing you all a pleasurable experience.